The Allen-Stevenson School is a private school located on the Upper East Side in Manhattan occupying two interconnected buildings. Due to a need for additional space, the school expanded the existing buildings vertically while renovating the remaining floors and constructed a new interconnected building adjacent to the original. The project proceeded in a phased manner and services included advising the client on appropriate phasing and implementation of the fire alarm system upgrade, witnessing pre-testing and coordinating with the FDNY on all fire alarm system items. Sparc designed the fire alarm system upgrade and the new Auxiliary Radio Communication System (ARCS), which were used for bidding by contractors. Sparc also was responsible for all drawing filings and inspection requests with the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) and preparing fire alarm system affidavits for the New York City Department of Buildings (NYCDOB).
To satisfy the requirements of the NYCDOB and FDNY and allow for issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, Sparc prepared and filed the building’s Fire Protection Plan and Fire Safety and Evacuation Plan.